Twin Flame Connection

Twin Flame Relationships are the most difficult romantic relationships you will encounter in this journey of life. These connections are for those who want to experience Divine, Unconditional Love and togetherness and are willing to healing any and all wounds that stand in the way of achieving that goal.

People who find themselves in these connections are usually people who will not settle for mediocre relationships and probably have spent their whole lives knowing that a great love was coming at some point.

Twin Flame Unions are Soul Contracts or Soul Agreements. In short, when and if the time is right for both parties, their paths will cross and they will begin to trigger each other’s issues in order to shine a light on what each partner needs to heal.

At first you will feel that you have discovered such a beautiful pure connection and immense love, far beyond anything you have felt before. You will just want to spend all your time cocooned in this enormous love bubble.

Twin Flames Connections are about healing ourselves to allow true love in

This connection is massive and with time you will find you are unable to stop thinking about the other Twin. You feel their presence with you as if they were inside your head, or right next to you physically, even when they are far away. There is nothing like this connection.
However, a Twin Flame Relationship will push you to your limits in every way, not just in pleasant ways.

Your energies merge more and more, and as they do, you will feel your Twin Flame is really part of you. Letting go of them and moving on would be like choosing to let go of a limb. It is unthinkable.

As your connection progresses, you will find that it brings out both the best and the worst of you and your partner. Ingrained dysfunctional behaviour, putting up walls to protect yourself, putting distance between you, arguing, experiencing guilt, shame, and your own low self-worth and low self-esteem will all come to the surface. Not just for you – for both of you.

You will both question your worthiness of this amazing love and ask yourself if it can be real and if it is real, do you deserve it? Answering this question, coming to feel worthy, can be a very long process.

This connection and the insecurities Twin Flame Unions bring to light makes the process very painful for both Twins. The issues that surface are deep, they can go back several incarnations. These are likely to be issues that have not been released despite having many lifetimes of opportunity to heal them. This is now the life where the decision has been made at (your) soul level to create a scenario where you will choose to heal, no matter how painful the process. Enter our Twin Flame – someone we will want to be with so badly that we will finally release our old wounding.


This connection and the insecurities Twin Flame Unions bring to light makes the process very painful for both Twins. The issues that surface are deep, they can go back several incarnations. These are likely to be issues that have not been released despite having many lifetimes of opportunity to heal them. This is now the life where the decision has been made at (your) soul level to create a scenario where you will choose to heal, no matter how painful the process. Enter our Twin Flame – someone we will want to be with so badly that we will finally release our old wounding.

Understand that we plan our own lives – you planned all this before incarnating here. There are certain scenarios in your destiny….for example….if X occurs, then Y will follow. This means that if you came to the point where (X occurred) you were ready and willing at Soul level for this to happen, (Y followed) then the door to your Twin Flame Connection would appear and open. Had you not been ready, the door would still be closed.

Read that again….if you were not ready, this would not be happening now. You CAN get through this. Maybe some guidance would help but you CAN do it.

There is not some other being that is making this happen, this was your choice, your decision and now it is for you to get through…with some real and practical support. The time to heal or release your old wounds is here and now.

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