I thought I would put this up as it is a different slant on the Twin Flame Dynamic. Things are going to be a little generalised however I feel that most people in Twin Flame Connections will identify with this.
I don’t want to put down either the “Runner” or the “Chaser” Twin, these connections are extremely difficult and they are intended as healing experiences. What better way to ensure healing occurs than to feel intense pain?
What better way to ensure someone will feel and heal that pain than to dangle an incredible carrot in front of them?
I do want to point out that people who find themselves in these connections are enormously capable in many areas of their lives. These connections are challenging in ways and to such an extent that it is difficult to understand unless you find yourself in the midst of one.
Although I really do not want to generalise, I do have to say that often the “Runner Twin” is male or a more masculine energy, or someone not so comfortable with their emotions.
The Twin Flame energies make the “Runner” Twin incredibly uncomfortable as they feel these connections to such a deep level. It is this intense discomfort with what is happening inside them that leads to the distancing and “Runner” behaviour that is so characteristic of Twin Flames.
Don’t judge the “Runner” too harshly, they are trying to sort themselves out but they get lost in the connection, like the “Chaser” does, but in a different way.
"Runner" Twin's Job Description
Stumble upon an incredible connection with someone…so amazing from the word go that you wonder if it can be real.
Notice your energies start to merge, even if you are not physically in the same place.
Realise you love this person…but because it is so early and it seems so incredible, you don’t say anything.
Continue to feel the immensity and purity of this connection grow as time goes on.
Start to question your worthiness of something and someone so wonderful.
Decide you aren’t good enough for this amazing person or to be what they deserve.
Feel intense fear, beyond what you have experienced before.
Become completely confused and run….hence the name.
Create silence/distance.
Do your best to remain distant out of fear but maintain just enough togetherness or contact because despite your confusion, you don’t want lose the relationship.
As you remain distant and try to resolve your fears and confusion, you push all your partner’s buttons, exposing all their issues to them as well.
Confusion and fear of not being good enough stops you from letting your partner know how much you feel for them.
The issues, fears and the sheer immensity of this connection makes you keep your insecurities secret. This creates ill feeling between you.
Out of fear of stepping forward and not measuring up, you only give the bare minimum. Just enough to stop your partner from completely walking away.
Your fears make you try to control the allowable level of feelings and contain them to within your comfort zone. These are your control issues playing out. You are in this connection to feel.

"Chaser" Twin's Job Description
Understand that all this distance and silence is your Twin trying to work through their own issues.
Your Twin will be trying to find a way through all this without understanding the dynamic and they don’t want to ask for fear of looking silly/vulnerable.
Be aware that the feelings brought up in these connections are immense, it is normal for your Twin to become lost in them and not be able to see a way out.
Remember that you are also pushing all your partner’s buttons, exposing their fears and insecurities.
Don’t take it personally. It is not about you.
Do not chase them. You will only end up making things worse.
No matter how much you want to be with them, don’t accept crumbs. If they are not offering you something worthwhile, let them be.
Get on with your life, address any issues that this connection has brought to the surface.
Make whatever changes in your life you would like to see happen.
Learn to tune into your own energy and find peace there.
Allow self love to grow.
Understand that your attempts to make this happen before the time is right are your control issues playing out.
When you ask yourself the question: "Is this what I want?" The answer will be "No." What you want is the potential you see and feel, not the reality of what currently is.
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Do Not Chase Your Twin
I advise people not to chase their twin, for very good reason.
If you chase them, you will continue to butt heads and experience pain and sorrow. The more pain and sorrow there is, the more difficult it is for both of you to put it all behind you. This means the prospect of being together becomes more and more problematic – you will always be remembering and dredging up the past.
Every time you chase a "Runner" Twin, you are creating another painful memory that you will need to overcome later.
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The truth is, you can’t make someone want to be with you, or to come forward, before they are ready. Twin Flame Connections rock both partners to the core. Often the male (or masculine) twin is the runner, and generally it takes a lot for them to get scared and run from something. Usually when they find something they really want, they run towards it, not from it.
The enormously emotional Twin Flame Connection makes the “runner” twin extremely uncomfortable. Feeling so emotional makes them aware of a light shining on their feeling of unworthiness. Self doubt begins to take over their thought processes. They also start to recognise that if something this big failed, they would be devastated. These two thoughts fuel their fears and they instinctively run.
As difficult as this situation is for the “chaser” twin, it is really significant that the “runner” has retreated. If they weren’t interested, they could simply say that.

You Can't Rush The Twin Flame Dynamic
The “Runner” Twin feels a need to do better and be better than they currently are, before they feel ready for a Union of this magnitude. They also go through enormous self-doubt and lack of self-worth etc. Overcoming all this takes time and to try and make these unions come together before the time is right can do more harm than good.
In reality this is all about them needing to just feel the fear and do it anyway….but emotional bravery and risking falling apart are not things that people who are uncomfortable with emotions do easily. As difficult as the “Chaser’s” issues are for them, the “Runners” find their fears equally challenging; maybe more so, as they are also aware that they are the one standing in the way of things progressing.
The damage done by trying to make these connections happen prematurely can be awfully hard to overcome. It is best to just work on yourself and allow your Twin to come forward when they feel they are ready.
In a perfect world, that is what would happen. The reality is that the magnetic pull of these connections is so strong that it is difficult to just stand back and allow things to develop on their own.

Finding Support
Unable to bring the union together in a grounded way, many people become enormously hurt and frustrated. Most find that their usual support network will leave them behind as friends and family tire of watching them beat their heads against a wall. This means outside support is usually needed.
That support needs to understand the Twin Flame dynamic and it needs to be honest and ethical.
Many people go for psychological counselling once they find themselves in a Twin Flame connection. The counsellor tells them they are in a toxic co-dependant relationship with a narcissist and to walk away. The person tries to walk away and fails.
The next step is often psychics, and finally someone reassures the person of the love being reciprocated however the unions never seem to come closer. This is often because the psychic also does not understand the Twin Flame Dynamic and does not know how to properly advise the person.
Sadly this cycle of needing reassurance that the other person loves them can continue for many years; the person is never told to ask different questions, or to look within and heal the wounding that has been illuminated by the connection. This healing is where true progress is made, and many people do not realise it.
Until people come to the point of self-healing, their lives and their choices are driven by the pain they are in. Often no real progress is made because they seek to mask the pain rather than healing the issue that causes it.
Unable to exert any control over what is happening, many Twin Flame Chasers try to walk away out of sheer frustration. Generally before too long, they realise they still want their Twin with all their heart and do not want anyone else. So the cycle continues.
The Twin Flame Dynamic can be devastating. There is no shame in needing assistance with this.