Your Twin Flame

Twin Flame connections are far stronger than people experience in other relationships and the intensity of the feelings can shock both partners. It can scare them, because they feel far more than they have ever felt before.




What Are Twin Flames


You’ve probably seen this term on the internet, however a lot of people do not understand it.

Twin Flames are said to be the same soul, split into to two, incarnated here, seeking their counterpart – when the time is right. Generally they do not know about this, and even though finding a great love has been a very important thing to them, when they find each other, the immensity of the connection takes them completely by surprise.

Somewhere on the journey of life, each partner reaches a point of readiness to begin this shared journey and they come to the door that had previously served to keep them separate. This is when their paths will cross. Before their paths cross physically, there will be energy connections made between them. These energetic links are then felt when they connect consciously with each other and help each to know that meeting the other is significant. They both feel the connection and usually know from day one that something special just happened.

Twin Flame connections continue to grow and are far stronger than people experience in other relationships. The intensity of the feelings can shock both partners. It often scares them, because they feel far more than they have ever felt before. The compatibility level is incredibly high, as they are said to be halves of the same soul. The two partners together make up the whole, each having attributes the other lacks. One is social, the other not so much. One wants to talk everything through, the other wants to feel their way through it on their own. One is more at home in the physical or logical realms, the other in the emotional or spiritual.


Divinity At Work


There is a purity of feeling to this love, it feels Divine in nature, because it is. If feeling were a colour, this love would be pure white. These connections can be quite overwhelming. An indicator of these special connections is the feeling that each Twin Flame gets after they have finished interacting with the other, they feel the energy connection growing, and their love seems to increase. Sometimes one Twin will wonder if the other has put some sort of spell on them as they just can’t forget each other or move on from this connection. Twin Flames feel each other’s feelings, they share the same thoughts, even if they don’t realise it. The energy connection between them keeps them together in spirit, even though they may be distanced physically.

Twin Flames intrinsically understand each other more and more as time goes on. They are here to learn about self-acceptance, self-respect, unconditional self-love, which they do through the connection they share with each other.

In these relationships, each partner brings out both the best and the worst in the other. They trigger each other in every way, love, fears, insecurities. The energy is enormous and the interactions create a dynamic of extreme feelings of every sort. In this way, the partners see ALL of themselves and each other. While this sounds like a good thing (and it is), the reality is that in the midst of it all, it is very unsettling and confusing, as if a pot full of all their issues has been stirred up and mixed into unrecognisable forms.

After a while, all this begins to take two different forms. Partner A, sees all the beauty and potential of such a Spiritual or Divine Union and they are prepared to go through whatever it takes to achieve togetherness. Partner B becomes very scared, having been pushed right out of their comfort zone and they will do anything they can to stand back from this enormous thing that makes them feel they have no control over themselves or their feelings.  Partner A becomes afraid this incredible opportunity is going to slip through their fingers as Partner B backs off. From there, generally, Partner A chases while  Partner B runs.

Thus we have the terms “Runner” and “Chaser”.

Sounds Divine.... Isn't It?

Yes, it most definitely is Divine. That doesn’t mean it is easy. Twin Flame connections bring up all the insecurities and blockages in both partners which have stood in the way of fully accepting and loving themselves for lifetimes. If overcoming those blockages was easy, it would have been done already.

Ideally, the goal is, that both Twin Flames fully accept the other because they understand them. That understanding and acceptance flows into the other partner, helping them come to self awareness and self acceptance. Each sees themselves through the eyes of their Twin. Like looking back at themselves from within a mirror, each partner eventually views their own being through the eyes of someone who loves them unconditionally. In the beginning those eyes belong to their partner, by the end, it will be their own eyes that recognise their own immense beauty. Each then comes to fully accept their own energies, which enables them both to be in that state of unconditional love for themselves, as well as each other. This is a monumental achievement for both.

Being fully accepted by another person is a huge gift, one that can help us take a giant step forward on the path to self acceptance and self love. In other relationships, each partner generally puts their best foot forward. Most people can keep their fears and insecurities hidden within, perhaps for a long time. Twin Flame partners trigger these fears and insecurities in each other quite early on. Each partner experiences a massive connection and feelings of love very early in the relationship, whether they are physically together or there is geographical distance between them. At the same time, their fears are triggered, as well as the sense of losing control, because the feelings are so strong.

Realization of how big a love this is, often then brings up feelings of being unworthy of such a great love and amazing partner.  Since most of us have unhealed wounds around not feeling good enough, this situation triggers our deepest fears

The love and connection shared by Twin Flame partners is unbreakable. Even if both gave up on ever being together, the love and connection will never stop. Once the door opens, it does not close. Twin Flames are here to light the way for others to follow. To be an example of what can be achieved.  To illuminate the path of unconditional love for us all, in what has become a time of monumental change on the planet. Twin Flame connections first and foremost are about healing of both partners through finding self-love. They are about each growing into the best version of themselves that they can be, in readiness for sharing a most beautiful and pure Divine Union. Even though the goal in the mind of every Twin Flame is being with their Twin, the best chance of success is by coming to love yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of this.

Confronting Our True Selves

The key to making these relationships come together and work is facing ourselves, warts and all, and giving our partner the time and space to do the same. Contained within these partnerships, is the potential for enormous personal growth. Often we do not recognise it as growth from what we have learned from books and study, but inside of us, we know it to be right. It may be different to everything we have learned or observed about partnerships. Through these connections we learn about;

  • Allowing another being the right to take their time and go through their own issues as they come up, rather than telling them what they should do and how to do it. Honouring their ability and their willingness to follow the path of growth that naturally unfolds before them, regardless of how long it takes – and still loving them.
  • Seeing your partner as a whole and balanced person, just as able to make decisions about their own life as you are. Understanding that any distance is not necessarily about you, but that your partner is going through their own issues.  This growth often unfolds slowly, due to the enormity of feeling and the depth of the issues involved. Things like not feeling worthy of something or someone are Core Issues, which take time to release.
  • Realising that all things happen in their own time and in these relationships Divine Timing is very much in play. Understanding also that simply by allowing this time and remaining connected to each other unconditionally, makes the bond even stronger.


Conditional Love Versus Unconditional Love


Mass consciousness, the thinking of most of us here, and the basis for most counselling and guidance is conditional love, rather than unconditional love. If someone is not doing what you want them to do, leave them behind. If they are not on your time schedule, let them go. Twin Flame partners do not usually have that desire to let go and certainly do not come to that decision easily. They feel a love so immense and pure, they never want it to end. Even if they do decide to move forward separately, the connection and the love will remain, there will just be a sense that they couldn’t get through the required growth and healing. Even in separation, it becomes apparent that unconditional love is still the goal.

People in Twin Flame relationships frequently end up with no-one to talk to about what they are going through.  The “Runner” partner, most likely does not want to talk about it with anyone, even though they are confused about it and feel very alone. The “Chaser” partner finds themselves wanting to talk and gain support and clarity but ends up being judged.

Adding to that difficulty is that often Twin Flame partners meet later in life, and this can mean one or both are already married to someone else. Now the judgement from others factor can double. It can be a very lonely journey. Rest assured, I will help with you with compassion and no judgment.


These Connections Are Extremely Challenging


These relationships bring up so many deep issues, just trying to understand what is happening is very confusing, getting through it all is extremely challenging.

Neither partner wants to leave this enormous love behind them. Often for the  Chaser, the next step is a counsellor, who tells them to move on and leave the Runner behind. The Chaser tries and can not. What both partners often find in their Twin Flame relationships is that they move through their control issues and many wounds that their friends and family may not realise they have; these wounds are generally buried very deeply. For most people, the deepest wounds are only triggered when the heart is fully engaged and in pain, so most people around them will never see those deep wounds surface.

Twin Flame Connections are an endless cycle of having wounds triggered and hopefully healing them.  If you don’t realise that this is the process, the painful cycle may never end. It is really important to just stop and take some deep breaths. Take stock of what is going on for you and decide if it is time to seek some help.

Finding support from someone who understands Twin Flame Connections, can be all important. These  relationships can not come together until enough healing and understanding has occurred for both parties. Until that time comes, the partners will be kept apart physically or emotionally by their own issues or by external events, up to and including a Global pandemic…

“The biggest thing that happens in these Unions is that each Twin begins to see themselves through the eyes of the other Twin, who loves them unconditionally”.

“This leads both Twins to Self Acceptance, Self Love and a Union of Divine Love with an Unbreakable Bond”.

What Can I Do?

These relationships are about each person stepping into their power and  becoming who they really are. About letting go of the issues that stand in the way of truly connecting with another person in the unconditional love of a beautiful, Divine Union.

It is not only about learning to relate to each other, but also about loving and respecting yourself, and flowing with the growth and change that is appropriate for you.

If you are in one of these connections, you may find that as time marches on, again and again things appear to get in the way of you being together. These relationships defy all logic. They remain distant or ungrounded despite your very best efforts. You both have some sizable issues to let go of and unfortunately, you can’t rush deep change. This is why you put this connection on your path in this life…to make you allow yourself to heal and grow.


Let The energies Do What They Do


Understand that even though you are apart, your energies are working together to create the necessary change and healing. It is important that you accept yourselves, as well as each other, unconditionally.

This is time you are given to get through your control issues, your fears, and to allow what is, to be. Not to try and make what is, fit into a picture that you recognise, or your preferred time schedule. Let go of the expectation that your partner will become whatever it is that you believe a partner should be, and allow them to be who they are. Your old expectations come from conditioning and controlling behaviour, not from love, and it is appropriate to let them go.

At the end of this, you will finally be able to say ok…so this is who you are…I accept you as you really are, and your partner can say the same to you.

As I connect with people from all over the world here, I find that Self-love, or lack of self-love is at the root of so many issues. People in Twin Flame connections need to learn to respect and enforce their own boundaries, which is about self-respect and self-love.

These connections will not move forward until you reach the point of unconditional love for yourself and your partner, and respecting each other. As these are such enormously important issues and huge factors in Twin Flame separation, I am also adding products to help people come to self-love.

Self-love is a vital aspect of the Twin Flame dynamic, and I will be uploading many, practical tools like music with healing frequencies, meditations on self-love and related subjects. These are all intended to help you find joy within yourself, and then share that with your partner – which is the ultimate goal for all Twin Flames.

Letting Go Of Conditioning

There is a saying – We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. It is very true, and it applies to people as well as things. Our life experiences colour our views of all we encounter. We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. Most relationships are based on the principle of changing each other, and most of them come to unhappy endings. We enter into relationships with a picture (that we have created) of who the other person is, which can be nothing like the person they really are. We then try to have a relationship with the person we have decided they are, rather than seeing them clearly. As time passes, we start to fight and shut down when they refuse to play the part that we have allocated to them. How dare they?????

Often in these relationships one partner bends, trying to be who the other person wants them to be. The other partner may lose interest….or vice versa…or both partners do both. In time, the relationship ends and frequently both partners start new relationships with other partners – who again they aren’t seeing clearly – and try to make a successful relationship with the very same behaviour that caused their other relationships to end. These are old style dysfunctional relationships and change is needed. So many people now simply don’t want a partner any more because they are tired of going in this cycle and don’t understand that they can change it. When we are hopeful of a loving, sharing relationship and instead end up feeling like we have been cast in a role in a movie about an unworkable fantasy relationship, it can be soul destroying.

They say, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. What we need to do is accept ourselves and each other for who we already are. If we can’t accept who this person is, the answer is not in trying to change them. The solution lies in letting go of the need to change someone else, releasing the view that we all need to be the same. If this is happening to you, then you are being pointed towards self acceptance and changing the way you relate to others. Finding someone else generally only puts you back at the same point you just left, ready to repeat the same cycle.

Twin Flame Relationships are here to break this pattern of dysfunction by bringing to earth, connections between two people that are so powerful, both partners will do whatever is required to move past their patterns and conditioning. Through this, they will arrive at unconditional love in a Divine Union.

Unseen Forces

“The greatest gift we can give ourselves or another being is to truly accept them as they are”.

Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Understand that you are both growing from your energetic union and while a significant amount of time may have already passed, I bet you don’t want anyone else. Having felt this level of connection and Divine Love with your Twin Flame, makes everything else pale into insignificance. If you can’t feel anything like this for someone else, what is the point of moving on? I understand.

Some deliveries are slow. It took me a long time to understand, that even though all I saw was a standstill, my Twin was still trying to get through his issues. What is happening behind the scenes for both of you is that you are un-learning your conditioning, letting go of habitual, dysfunctional behaviours and ways of thinking.

Silence, distance, it is not about lack of feeling or lack of desire to be together. It is about deep wounds that need to be healed and that takes time.

You are letting go of cultural and ancestral conditioning, and allowing yourself to be part of the most incredible Divine Union. Something more amazing than you could ever imagine. All this takes time, does it really matter how long it takes? When we stop trying to control what happens, and place our focus on ourselves, the energy shifts, allowing beautiful things to come to us, in the most perfect ways.

Take a deep breath, let go and allow your Twin Flame Connection to unfold in the most wonderful way.

Support When You Need It


Sometimes We Need A Little Guidance

If you would like some recorded guidance, please email me  a recent pic of you both (separate pics are fine) and give me both your current locations, names, and dates of birth, together with a brief outline of where you are at with each other.

I offer recorded guidance sessions, and an ongoing support service – weekly or fortnightly (every 2 weeks), to help keep you positive, sane and moving forward.

I absolutely understand the desire to stay connected to your partner and to know what is happening for them, however your best growth comes from self focus.

The more YOU grow and heal, the more the dynamic will shift for. 

The biggest issue in these connections is one partner thinking they can control the other and direct what happens. Your solution will be found in controlling and directing the only thing you can, your own life.

Sounds easy enough – but wow its hard!

I know this can be a big change to make and while I do offer Twin Flame guidance, I highly recommend shifting the focus to yourself. This will help you with your own growth, increasing your self-awareness, self-acceptance, self esteem and finally the key to it all, self-love.

Support is Key