Hearts Aligned


Hearts Aligned

I found the music in “Hearts Aligned” to be so ethereal, so soothing and relaxing. It seemed to connect me with my love all on its own. That only increased with healing frequencies added.

In “Twin Flame” Connections, it is so hard to stay positive, to learn to listen to your soul and the energies you feel. When you listen to others, and your own fears, you end up focused on  your human part. This means you believe that whatever both of you are going through at that particular moment in time, is your long term reality.

Constantly going through those ups and downs, the fears, the doubts, back to the love and the trust…it drives you both crazy. It also makes you strike out at each other because these connections bring you right into your deepest pain, your innermost fears, and biggest wounds.

The most important thing you can do is recognize that what is playing out in this connection is your own fears being triggered. You then project those fears forward and see them reflected by  the actions or inaction of your “Twin Flame”. Let “Hearts Aligned” keep you calm and help you remember the old saying – “there is nothing to fear but fear itself”.

We have added 3 different healing frequencies to this track.

136.1 HZ is calming, centering, meditative and relaxing. It has been included to help you align with your spirituality, your true self. As you consider your relationship, feel into whether the human part of your being is in alignment with your soul. Does this relationship support you in being all that you wish to be?

In a “Twin Flame” Connection, you will know that there are things you need to work on and those things represent positive growth in you. If you are truly honest with yourself, your answer here will be “Yes, it forces me to grow”

Something important to include in your thought process here – your partner does not need to be the same as you. You do not need to share a particular goal; you only need to be able to support each other as you each follow your chosen life path.

639 Hz brings a connective quality. It helps relationship partners to connect with each other, and with parts of themselves. This frequency works to bring harmony and clear communication to your relationships.

741 Hz will help you find solutions to those areas where you don’t quite connect. It will help to bridge the gaps between you, thereby bringing you closer to your partner. It will work on your other relationships as well. Being honest with yourself and others is what will help you to reach true inner peace and self love.

By including 741Hz frequency, “Hearts Aligned” helps you feel emotionally stable enough to speak your truth. This then enables things to be resolved, rather than letting them fester within you both.

Delta Waves Also Included.

The incredible healing offered by this track does not end there. Delta Wave Monaural Beats will help it all to be absorbed into you as you sleep, integrating new understanding into your being. This enables your new positive feelings to seep into your cells as you sleep.

Effortless Healing As You Sleep

Simply by listening to this Advanced Healing Audio Session, you can make a positive change in your life without any effort.  All you have to do is turn it on and listen to it, you do not need to use headphones. This Healing Audio Session gives you enough time to drift off into sleep, or an effortless deep healing state. Emerge feeling better, and start a new positive cycle of improvement in your life.

This track was created with Twin Flames in mind, however it can help you with any relationship. Difficulties in relating are Universal, not limited to Twin Flame Connections.


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