If I Could….I’d Give You The Stars
Choose “If I Could” healing track when you and your Twin Flame are distant from each other. Listen to it when there is nothing but silence, or petty arguments when you do have contact.
At those times, it is so hard to to believe anything good can come from this. It is difficult to feel that they care about you at all when you seem to be rejected constantly.
Twin Flame connections scratch away at our deepest and darkest issues. They force us to meet ourselves in places we just wish didn’t even exist. Let “If I Could” help you remember this is happening for your Twin also, not only for you.
The Situation Is The Opposite To What It Appears To Be
The “Runner Twin” often doesn’t even have the awareness you have. All they know is that the confident face they have been able to show to the world falls apart in front of you. They become intensely aware of all their fears and insecurities and they judge themselves harshly. In this vulnerable place, they feel sure you will also judge them the same way. They go into hiding while they try to fix their issues. They hope you never truly see them as they are, and hope for a better version of themselves to share with you.
While you are feeling scared that they don’t want to be with you, the truth is that they are scared that you won’t want them. At the same time they are scared of losing you, so they may give just enough to keep you around. With all the mixed messages, it is no wonder you are confused. Let “If I Could” soothe you in these dark times when all you want is to share your love.
Healing Frequencies 639Hz and 528Hz Embedded
“If I Could” can help you simply by listening to it. We have encoded two different healing frequencies into this track to help you heal without conscious effort.
528Hz works to heal you in every way, from physical ailments, to emotional healing, spiritual healing and even healing any damaged DNA. 528Hz is the frequency of self love, which is needed when you are faced with what seems like rejection. Because it heals down to DNA level, it helps with those deep wounds that need healing, like lack of self-love and low self-esteem issues, critical in Twin Flame connections.
639Hz helps our heart connections. In the times when all you have is the energetic connection, this frequency can help you to value and appreciate that. It can help you to understand that the energy connection, the soul connection is what is real. The human parts of us fall into our own insecurities and cause us to behave in ways even we ourselves don’t like. Our souls connect in eternal unconditional love and this is where we can draw strength. Let 639Hz connect you with your love and help you trust in eternal truth, not the human appearance.
Make A New, Better Beginning
If you keep going around and around in doubt, anger, jealousy, hate and back to love, trust and understanding again…this track is for you. Let it help you to stay calm and steady. Falling into the doubts creates ripples between the energies of you and your Twin. Focusing on the soul connection is the best way to become positive and to begin feeling secure in the face of extreme difficulty and alone-ness.
Play this track once a day at first if you are not used to healing frequencies. Later you can build as your tolerance increases. You do not need to use headphones for this track.
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